noora arajarvi
Noora Arajärvi has been involved in the quantitative and qualitative data collection in the EURO-EXPERT-project since 2018. Since 2020 Noora has been Post-Doc Fellow at EURO-EXPERT and responsible for the coordination of consultants, the development of the policy making document, and the formulation of guidelines for the treatment of personal data in legal documents of GDPR compliant guidelines for the treatment of personal data contained in the documents archived on CULTEXP. She has extensive experience in international law, legal education, socio-legal research, and research ethics. She has conducted research as a postdoctoral fellow with the Berlin Potsdam Research Group The International Rule of Law – Rise or Decline?, held teaching positions at UCLan Cyprus and the University of the West Indies, visiting fellowships at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law and Fordham University, and worked at the UN Rule of Law Unit in New York. She received her PhD from the European University Institute and is the author of The Changing Nature of Customary International Law (Routledge 2014) as well as several journal articles and book chapters on key questions of international law. Most recently, she co-edited a collected volume The Theory of Customary International Law and Its Interpretation (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2021). She was recently elected for a second four-year term for the Co-ordinating Committee of the ESIL Interest Group on International Legal Theory and Philosophy, in which she also serves as Deputy Chair. Her current research interests include the use of cultural expertise in international courts and tribunals, interplay of law and policy, sources of international law, and interdisciplinary methodologies in legal science.