Joshua Isaac Bishay

Joshua Isaac Bishay has assisted Livia Holden with the data-collection for the UK case-study and for editorial tasks involving formatting and coordinating authors. He is currently responsible for testing the digital outputs of EURO-EXPERT and assisting the core team with the preparation of manuals. Bishay received a BA in anthropology at the University of Illinois at Chicago, a JD at the John Marshall Law School in Chicago and an LLM at the Universiteit Utrecht in the Netherlands. He worked as an international lawyer before the International Criminal Court, Special Tribunal for Lebanon and the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights. His research focuses on the intersections of law and culture in international and domestic courts. He is currently a PhD candidate at the Université of Paris Sorbonne with a thesis titled Jihad et justice aux procès pour terrorisme à Paris under the supervision of Livia Holden.