Stefanie Lemke

Stefanie Lemke is responsible for the quantitative and qualitative data-collection in Austria, Belgium, Germany, and The Netherlands. She completed her PhD thesis on “Human Rights Lawyering and Access to Justice in Europe” at the Universities of Cologne.
She is a socio-legal scholar and serves as a scientific expert with the European Commission, the Council of Europe and the UN Development Programme. She is appointed Visiting Professor at the International Institute for the Sociology of Law (IISL).
In her research, Stefanie focuses on comparative human rights law, access to justice, judicial independence, the role of lawyers, legal empowerment, and civil and criminal justice reform, with an emphasis on Europe, Central Asia and Latin America.
Her most recent publications include:
‘The Rule of Law and the Legal Profession’ in Richard L Abel, Ole Hammerslev, Hilary Sommerlad and Ulrike Schultz (eds.), Lawyers in 21st-Century Societies: Volume 2 (Oxford: Hart Publishing) [forthcoming, co-authored by Ronald Janse].
Human Rights Lawyering in Europa: Eine rechtsvergleichende Studie zur anwaltlichen Menschenrechtspraxis und zum Zugang zum Recht in England und Wales, Frankreich und Deutschland (on: effective access to justice for victims of human rights violations in Germany, England and Wales, and France), ISBN 978-3-8240-1610-5 (Bonn: Deutscher Anwaltsverlag, 2020) [forthcoming].