Ekaterina Gorbunova is a Social and political researcher, MA in Sociology (University of Manchester). She is a PhD Candidate in Comparative Politics at the Institute of Social Studies (University of Lisbon), Advocacy and Community Engagement Director at UNITE – Global Parliamentarians Networ. She has more that fifteen years experience in analytical support and administrative coordination of empirical research and policy-driven projects in the sphere of social and political studies, having performed all spectre of responsibilities from proposal development, through fieldwork and data collection and analysis, to reporting and preparation of publications. She has been Local Researcher for Portugal in an ESRC-funded project “Accountability after Economic Crisis” project (based at the Department of International Politics, City University London), Researcher at the Observatory “Barometer of the Quality of Democracy” (based at the Institute of Social Science of the University of Lisbon); and Research Fellow in the “Political Parties and Interest Groups” project (at the Portuguese Institute of International Relations).
Among her most important publications see:
- A Qualidade da Democracia em Portugal. A Perspectiva dos Cidadãos, Lisboa: Instituto de Ciências Sociais, 2011. (with A.C. Pinto, P. Magalhães, and L. de Sousa)
- ‘Direitos e Liberdades e Qualidade da Democracia em Portugal’, In A.C. Pinto, P. Magalhães, and L. de Sousa (eds.) A Qualidade da Democracia em Portugal. A Visão dos Cidadãos, Lisboa: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais, 2013. (with F. Raimundo)
- “Accountability after Crisis: Portugal”, Policy report, prepared as part of the Accountability After Economic Crisis project, 2018 (with J. Cancela). Available at: https://accountabilityaftereconomiccrisis.com/assets/uploads/Policy-Report-Portugal-Eng-.pdf.